Food Inc.: Carmen

Do you see the same situation in Singapore?

After the video, I can’t seem to differentiate good quality and bad quality food anymore. Although Singapore take on tight measures to ensure that all products are safe for consumption, the addition of unknown substances during processing might still have a bad impact on our health. Furthermore, most of our food are imported from many different countries, and we can’t be too sure how they handle the food. I started having difficulty choosing the right food after consultations with my dietician. When I eat out, I walk round and round the food centre with either nothing to my liking or food that is forbidden to my diet. 
The food in hawker and food centers here are oily, salty and sweet. They are delicious but definitely not beneficial to our health. Restaurants seem to be a better choice but their food contains huge amounts of msg and spices, which makes you lose your appetite and feel overwhelmed even before finishing your meal. The supermarkets in Singapore seem to be in the same state as those stated in the video and thus the processed and packed food they offer are of poor quality. The only quality food I can think of now is organic food, but some truths might also be covered when placed on our plates. Organic food are definitely more expensive and not sold widely in food centers or supermarkets. However, most Singaporeans will prefer our local delicacies to organic food. 
Still, we are lucky to have the AVA looking over our food in Singapore, with laws and regulations to protect us. Due to our fast pace living, we also have to take note of what we put into our bodies and try to avoid fast foods. Although Singapore may seem rich on the surface, but what the rich put into their mouths might not be of high quality since Singapore is so small and our selection of food are also limited. 

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